Empowerment, Education & Health.

Supporting education and community health.


A non profit 501 c 3 organization , Project Bangladesh was established in 1989. It came into being because of a felt need. People struggling with poor health in a third world nation needed health care. These people lived in urban and rural areas, and they were marginalized. Bangladesh gained independence in 1971. A core group of expatriate Bangladeshi physicians living in the U.S decided that they would try to make a difference. Their purpose was to establish a primary care outpatient, medical center, to provide services to the people for whom it was otherwise unaffordable. The center would be staffed by physicians and lab technicians.


Materials for Learning,

Many developing nations lack the technological resources to learn the latest surgical techniques and post care practices. Through our mission trips, we are able to place the resources in their hands in order to provide them with the adequate training to prepare for educational opportunities and to save lives.

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Education for the future

Medical Professionals.

We initiated continuing medical education programs to address the needs of teachers and their student communities. From training on the latest technology to new surgical methods, we assist in the training and healing of local communities.



Feel free to contact us with any questions.

Project Bangladesh is registered as a 501(c) (3) organization and your contribution is tax deductible Fed Tax ID #: 90-0423586.
